Get a beautiful, soft and glowing skin by applying sugar scrub.
Most people avoid sugar as it increases body fat and also acts as a poison for diabetes. But it is very beneficial for the skin. So feel free to include sugar in your regular skin care routine.
Today we will discuss here how you can use sugar to make your skin glowing and beautiful.
Sugar helps to smoothen our skin and works as a great scrub to remove dead skin cells.
mix some lemon juice in sugar and a spoonful of honey in it and rub if on the skin well, it will remove the dead skin cells and also the black heads.
If you wants to get a dark spot free healthy skin then mix a little coffee powder with a little honey in the sugar, and if you mix it well, the skin becomes bright and beautiful.
Sugar helps in smoothing the lips. Mix a little honey in sugar and rub well on the lips.This way you will get a smooth and soft lips.
To remove dark lips, mix beetroot juice with sugar and rub it well on the lips to gradually make the lips pink and beautiful.
To get rid of the skin tan, add some tomato and cucumber juice to the sugar and a few drops of lemon then rub it on the face.